Admission to Business Majors on all Campuses

The application for admission to the Fall 2025 term is now closed. The application for Spring 2026 admission will open Monday, August 25, 2025, and will be closing on Monday, September 8, 2025.

Admission Timeline

Applications for all majors in the School of Business are accepted during the first two weeks of every Fall and Spring term from students in other major programs at UConn, and from current UConn Business students interested in Business majors on other campuses. Decisions are communicated before registration and the campus change deadline. When the application is active, the link to apply online is located at the bottom of this webpage.

  • January 21, 2025 - Application opens
  • February 3, 2025 - Application closes at 11:59pm EST
  • Early/Mid-March - Decisions communicated via UConn email prior to registration for Fall 2025
  • Early/Mid-March - Required School of Business Newly Admitted Student Advising (NASA) program for all admitted students prior to registration for Fall 2025

Admission to the School of Business is competitive and reliant on space available as determined by each campus.

To discuss questions regarding the admissions process please attend an info session, then visit us during drop-in advising hours.

Upcoming Admissions Info Sessions



Upcoming Résumé Workshops



Review the ranges and averages of admitted students, as well as common factors of strong applications and common mistakes.

Application Breakdown

Preparing to Apply

1. Plan

Work with your current Academic Advisor, utilizing our Prospective Business Advising Record, to plan for success.  Pay attention to both academics (ensuring you are meeting minimum eligible requirements by the time you plan to apply) and experiential opportunities to strengthen your application.

Attend an Information Session to learn more about the admissions process and have questions answered by School of Business staff.

Students are encouraged to identify an alternate or parallel plan (a non-Business major) in addition to planning for their chosen School of Business major.

2. Explore

Research the majors offered at the School of Business and identify the major that fits best with your professional goals and parallel plan.  Your application will be for a specific major at a specific campus

If you plan on applying to a major not available at your current campus, speak with your current Academic Advisor about campus change request procedures and timeline.

Identify a second choice campus/major for your application. See Academics below for more details.

3. Engage

Continue learning about your major and chosen field, academically and experientially, while keeping your parallel plan intact.

Forty percent of application review (your essay and résumé) relies heavily on your experience outside of the classroom. It is important to strategically engage in opportunities that allow you to explore business, and your major and field of interest.

Opt-in to LAUNCH, a strategic engagement plan delivered weekly to your email to empower you to make purposeful choices in designing your student experience. Exploring student organizations, earning an experiential certificate, becoming certified in Bloomberg Market Concepts, volunteering in your community, working part time, and joining a UConn mentorship program are a few examples of engagement outside of the classroom.

4. Apply

Once you meet all eligibility requirements (typically in your fourth term) apply through our electronic application by logging in with your NetID.  The application is available the first two weeks of every Fall and Spring term. Late applications are not considered.

Decisions are communicated before registration and the campus change deadline.  All admitted students are required to complete School of Business New Admit Advising and Orientation to help plan for the following term and beyond.

New transfer students in their first term at UConn who submit application through this process will receive a decision based upon available space after completion of one full semester at UConn.

Factors Considered During Application Review

  • Cumulative GPA
  • GPA in critical courses
  • GPA in business courses
  • Performance in quantitative courses
  • Grade trends
  • Course load
  • Repeated courses
  • Progress towards graduation
  • Consistency of academic performance
  • Criticals not taken at UConn after matriculation

Minimum Eligibility Requirements

Current UConn students seeking to apply to the School of Business must meet the following minimum requirements for their application to be eligible for review.  There are no exceptions to these minimum requirements.

  • At the beginning of the term in which a student applies, a minimum 3.000 cumulative GPA is required
    • New transfer students from outside of the University of Connecticut applying in their first term, who are otherwise eligible, may submit and application prior to having a UConn GPA.  These student's applications will be reviewed at the end of the term, if the cumulative GPA is a 3.0 after their first semester.
  • Completion of at least 40 credits (earned on transcript, not including courses currently in progress)
  • Completion of credits in-residence
    • Students admitted to UConn as a First-Year student, must complete at least 24 credits in-residence while matriculated at UConn. This requirement does not include ECE and non-degree courses completed prior to their first semester as a UConn student.
    • New transfer students from outside of the University of Connecticut applying in their first term at UConn do not need to have completed any credits in residence to apply if all other eligibility criteria are met. However, they must be enrolled in at least 12 credits at UConn at the time of application. These student's final grades will be reviewed for the application.
  • Completion of, or current enrollment in, the eight critical required courses (must be earned credit on UConn transcript at the time of application; courses marked "In Progress" during prior terms, or coursework taken elsewhere that is not yet posted to your UConn transcript cannot be used to meet minimum eligibility requirements) including:
    • ACCT 2001
    • COMM 1000 or 1100 (note for the Spring 2025 application [for Fall 2025 admission], students may apply without having COMM 1000/1100 complete or in progress)
    • ECON 1201 (or ARE 1150)*** and ECON 1202 (or ECON 1200)
    • ENGL 1007, 1010, or 1011 (or for transfer students, six credits with both ENGL 91002 and ENGL 91003 or an approved course equivalency)
    • MATH 1070Q and 1071Q; or MATH 1070Q and 1131Q; or MATH 1131Q and 1132Q (or alternate approved sequence)
    • STAT 1000Q or STAT 1100Q (or a STAT 91100 Q-level course)
    • NOTE: Students planning on transferring in critical courses, or any credits that are required for eligibility, are strongly encouraged to do so far in advance of their application period so that the Admissions Office posting deadlines are considered, to ensure eligibility is represented on the student’s UConn transcript at the time of application. This usually means taking a course the summer or winter break two terms before applying, NOT the break immediately before applying.
  • Meet all other School of Business Scholastic Standing Requirements, including a minimum 2.000 cumulative Business grade point average (which includes all School of Business courses numbered at the 3000 level or higher, plus ACCT 2001 and ACCT/BADM 2101). If an applicant has previously placed any business course on pass/fail, then the earned letter grade for those courses will be considered in the application process. If admitted, the course will be returned to letter graded status for applications to be reviewed.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in classes at the University of Connecticut in the term in which they are applying through internal admissions to the School of Business. Eligibility is reliant on the active student status, thus students who withdraw from the current term or whose status changes to inactive for any reason are no longer eligible for admission in the current cycle. These students will have to submit a new application in the next admission cycle once they are active students.
    • Students enrolled part-time (fewer than 12 credits) should provide information in the application about why they are enrolled part-time
    • Only courses and credits reflected on your UConn transcript (in the "Undergraduate Record" section) at the time of application are considered
  • At the end of the term in which a student applies, conditionally admitted students must meet all of the following requirements, or be subject to having their acceptance rescinded:
    • Minimum 3.000 semester GPA
    • Minimum 3.000 cumulative GPA
    • Minimum 3.000 cumulative Business GPA
  • Withdrawing from or failing critical courses that are in-progress at the time of application, and/or placing critical courses on pass/fail grading will immediately result in an ineligible application and subsequent inadmissibility for that application cycle
  • Courses planned on for the following summer or winter sessions are not considered

*** It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that all students currently in, or seeking admission to, the School of Business take ECON 1201, and not ARE 1150. Should a student take ARE 1150, they will need to request a permission number to enroll in any Business course that uses ECON 1201 as a pre-requisite, and will run into enrollment errors as a result. The School of Business strongly recommends students take ECON 1201.


Your current Academic Advisor is a valuable resource who can help you to prepare and set goals.  Use our Prospective Business Advising Record to plan academically, and also to discover opportunities and explore resources. All students admitted from a major outside of the School of Business will be admitted into a new catalog year, and should be prepared to fulfill catalog requirements for that catalog year.

Students are strongly encouraged to identify a parallel plan in addition to their chosen School of Business major.  This serves to strengthen the plan for success for that student, thereby strengthening the overall application of that student. Speak with your Advisor and review the alternate pathways to a career in Business to help you identify an appropriate parallel plan.

If applying to a Storrs Business major as a first choice, students are also strongly encouraged to select a regional campus Business major as a second choice in their applications if willing to continue their studies at that regional campus. Students are admitted to Business based on space available. Sometimes students can be admitted to a regional campus when they might not be admitted to their first choice in Storrs due to higher demand for the spaces available in Storrs. Please note that applications are only evaluated for their second choice if students are not admissible to their first choice, and that indicating a second choice does not impact your admission decision for your first choice. Please also note that being admitted to a regional major means you will be unable to take Business courses at the Storrs campus.

If you are eligible to start taking Business courses, you can use our BADM Core Equivalencies List to see which core Business courses count towards a Business minor that also satisfies Business major requirements. Reference the Undergraduate Catalog for a complete list.

Factors Considered During Application Review

  • Does essay highlight student's best and most unique qualities?
  • Does essay articulate how business is the right choice for the student?
  • Are examples detailed and concrete?
  • Alignment of goals and actions
  • Level of thoughtful self-reflection
  • Professionalism in communication
  • Grammar and spelling

Essay Prompt

All students must answer the prompt.

Identify one experience on your résumé post high school that contributes to your interest in the major to which you are applying and share what you learned from that experience. (1,500 character limit)

The essay response is limited to 1,500 characters, including spaces, and is to be submitted in plain text format. Anything over the 1,500 characters will not be included with the application. The essay prompt is subject to change by semester.


We recommend having your essay reviewed by friends, family, or even professional mentors before submission for content, grammar, and spelling. It is important to know that prospective applicants cannot seek guidance or feedback on essay submissions from School of Business faculty or staff as many are involved in the admissions review process.

What Makes a Strong Résumé?

  • One page in length
  • Does not include any experiences limited to high school
  • Experiences aligning with business
  • Demonstrated commitment
  • Demonstrated leadership experience
  • Applicable work experience
  • Skills clearly reflecting the learning gained
  • Excellent grammar and spelling
  • Indicating what work experience is full time or part time

What is a Résumé?

For current students, the résumé is a one-page document that highlights educational background, experiences, accomplishments, skills, and interests. It is important to use appropriate phrasing in your résumé, emphasizing the keywords stated in the criteria in relation to the skills and accomplishments you have decided to highlight. Ultimately your résumé is a guide and marketing tool about you and your abilities.

An applicant is evaluated and compared to the applicant pool by how their résumé reflects the learning gained during their involvement in activities after high school.  Be sure to relate your experiences with your career goals and desired business major.

Any resume workshops for School of Business Applicants will be listed at the top.


Applicants have the opportunity to work with the UConn School of Business Undergraduate Career Development Office (UCDO) for résumé reviews. Appointments for résumé reviews with UCDO are available on the Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford, Storrs, and Waterbury campuses.

Additionally, the UConn Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills on your campus is also a great resource for ongoing résumé review. Schedule an appointment with the Center for Career Development Consultant on your campus below.

Join LAUNCH Today!

Make sure you're making the most of your time at UConn and developing your résumé by signing up for LAUNCH.  All majors welcome! View past LAUNCH communications to see what is sent weekly to students who opt-in.

How to Strategically Engage at UConn

View archive of exceptions to standard academic policies and minimum eligibility requirements due to COVID-19 for Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021.

It is important to know that if any misrepresented information is included in an application, that applicant may lose the opportunity to apply this or future terms.