School of Business Pre-Advising Form "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 4 25% Name* First Last Student ID*UConn Email* Current Assigned Campus*Avery PointHartfordStamfordStorrsWaterburyAre you planning to graduate from a different campus than your currently assigned campus?* Yes No Which campus?*Avery PointHartfordStamfordStorrsWaterburyAdvisor*Alana AdamsJose AponteJia CaiLaila ChaouiKristin GlinzakAlison LermanDan LevyNakeia MooreBrandy NelsonEddie PapazoniInga PoetzlHunter TasheaAlex SauerBeth WilliamsPeer MentorKristin Glinzak (testing purposes)Brandon AllenBella CappuccioDaniya ChopraNathaly HerreraNeha JayannaRenee KwokEthan LiAngelica PeraltaAlexandra RichoIan RutledgeMinnie SirichanthoAleanna SotoKaty SparmerTara SperryCarolyn SuttonJuliana WisemanNicole YildirimJoey YangHao ZhuoHave you scheduled your required advising meeting with your business academic advisor?* Yes No, I have not scheduled the appointment. I have already met with my academic advisor for required advising. Please login to Nexus now to schedule your required advising meeting with your Business Academic Advisor. If you are unsure how to do this your Peer Mentor will assist you.Thank you for completing your advising requirements for Spring 2025. The rest of this form may touch upon topics your already discussed with your advisor. This is a great opportunity to reflect on your plans further as you've had time to explore since your advising meeting and/or ask any other questions that may have come up. Once you submit, your advisor will be notified you completed your required Peer Mentor meeting.My required advising meeting with my Business Academic Advisor is scheduled for:*Please list the day/time of your appointment.Academic Check-in & Transcript ReviewNow is a good time to review your transcript and check for any discrepancies. Please access your Unofficial Transcript in StudentAdmin and have it available as you are answering the following questions. If you are unsure how to do this, your Peer Mentor will assist you in navigating StudentAdmin.Current Declared Major*Please check your transcript to ensure the major you have declared matches your intended major.AccountingAnalytics and Information ManagementBusiness AdministrationBusiness Data AnalyticsFinancial ManagementFinancial TechnologyFinanceHealthcare ManagementManagementMarketingMarketing Management (Digital Marketing & Analytics)Real Estate and Urban Economic StudiesUndecidedIf planning to change your major, indicate intended major:*I'm not planning to change my major.AccountingAnalytics and Information ManagementBusiness AdministrationBusiness Data AnalyticsFinancial ManagementFinancial TechnologyFinanceHealthcare ManagementManagementMarketingMarketing Management (Digital Marketing & Analytics)Real Estate and Urban Economic StudiesA major OUTSIDE of the School of BusinessWhat other major/program are you considering?*Are there majors within business you are considering more than others? Please tell us about them below.*Business students need to declare a business major by the end of their 3rd term (you cannot enroll in business courses without a declared business major). If you know the business major you'd like to declare, use our Major Declaration Form to declare now! Take a moment now to explore some the resources you can use to learn more about majors, they include: Experiential Opportunities - use our Engage Now page to find more information! School of Business Major Pages The Major Experience (TME)Have your AP/transfer/ECE credits posted to your unofficial transcript?*These will be listed under Fall 2024. Yes No I'm not expecting any AP/ECE/transfer credits Please detail any information that is missing or that you expect to change (AP/transfer credits, temporary grades, etc)*If AP credits have not yet posted, contact to have AP scores sent. If you were expecting Transfer credits, contact UConn Transfer Admissions to see if they’ve received the official transcript you sent and/or contact the institution you earned credits from to ensure your official transcript has been sent.Is your current Cumulative GPA at or above a 3.0? Yes No Business students are required to reach a 3.0+ cumulative GPA at the end of the semester in which they earn 54+ credits. Since your current cumulative GPA does not meet this requirement, we encourage you to consider Alternative Pathways to Business in the event they do not continue as a business student. You will talk more about this in the meeting with your Academic AdvisorWhat is your parallel plan?*Your advisor will have addressed this with you already but please add any details here as you've had more time to consider options since your advising meeting.Congratulations on your strong academic performance thus far!Prepare for your advising meetingBefore any required advising appointment, we ask that you review the following information. Each provide you with essential information to keep you informed and help you take responsibility for your academic progress and degree requirements. Please take a few minutes to review each of these resources with your Peer Mentor. Your Peer Mentor will also highlight some of the most commonly used resource on our website (Forms, Registration FAQs, Withdrawal and Pass/Fail Guidance, and experiential opportunities, etc.) Review the Plan of Study for your major and the general education requirements ( > Academics) Familiarize yourself with the UPO website ( Academic ProgressPlease complete this information to the best of your ability. Reference previous advising/orientation materials and your Plan of Study (available on our website: for course ideas for Fall.This Semester*Use the (+) sign on the right to add rows to list all of the classes in which you are CURRENTLY ENROLLED. This should match what is listed on your transcript under Spring 2025.Courses Taken Spring 2025 (Your current schedule)Expected Grade (Your best estimate) Add RemoveCourse Ideas for Fall 2025*Use the (+) sign on the right to add rows to list all of the classes you plan on taking in the Fall. It's OK not to list a full time schedule here, your Advisor will respond with suggestions if you are unsure. But list the courses you are already planning on taking for some feedback. Add RemoveAt this time, are you planning to: (check all that apply) Study abroad? Complete a minor? Complete a dual degree? (note that a dual degree requires 138 total credits, often extending your graduation timeline) Take a class (or classes) over the summer? Apply to the Honors Program at the end of your first or second year? Apply to an Accelerated Master's Program at UConn? Graduate early? Study abroad*When and where? It's ok to not know specifics now but having a general sense of where/when you'd like to go abroad will be helpful. Your Peer Mentor can help you navigate the Experiential Global Learning website to search programs and start the planning process for going abroad.Minor(s)*List any subject(s) you're considering below. Your Peer Mentor can show you how to find lists of the minors UConn offers and additional information about minor requirements.Dual degree*SubjectWhat class(es) over the summer?*Keep in mind that if you are planning to take any criticals over the summer, they must be in your first summer since all criticals must be complete by the end of your fourth term. Note if you have any questions about this here.Where are you planning on taking these classes?*If you plant to take the courses through UConn, you can enroll in them like you would for any other term through StudentAdmin. If you're planning to take them elsewhere your Peer Mentor can show you resources detailing the steps to take a course in transfer for business students.Which Accelerated Master's Program(s) are you interested in? (check all that apply)*UConn School of Business Accelerated Master’s Programs MS in Accounting (MSA) MS in Business Analytics & Project Management (MSBAPM) MS in Financial and Enterprise Risk Management (MSFERM) MS in Financial Technology (FinTech) MS in Social Responsibility & Impact in Business (MSSRIB) What is your goal graduation term?*What is your goal term GPA for Spring 2025?*Your Peer Mentor can help you use the GPA Calculator in Nexus to estimate your grades and the GPA you'll need to reach your goals.Your total earned credits at end of Spring 2025:*Use your transcript to find this information. It is current EARNED credits, plus current IN PROGRESS credits (not necessarily what is in the "attempted" column!)Do you feel confident in the Scholastic Standing (GPA and Critical Completion) policy required for School of Business students?*You will review your specific Scholastic Standing requirements (for the School of Business and the University) in the meeting with your Academic Advisor. Personal ProgressReflect on your time so far as a student in UConn’s School of Business.What are you engaged in across campus (ie. student organizations, cultural centers, etc.) or in your community?*Let your advisor know what you are doing and how you are enjoying it. Your Peer Mentor is a great source of information about ways to get engaged and Build Your Business Experience. Use this meeting to help identify ways you can continue to grow experience as a business student.After reflecting on your engagement at UConn thus far with your Peer Mentor, are there things you hope to add to your experience? Please list any engagement goals and/or areas of exploration below.*Generally, how has your semester gone?*What is your biggest challenge this semester? What do you need help with?*How are you planning to address this challenge?*My Goals*Now that you've had a chance to reflect on your first year so far, please list two goals you have for yourself this semester. These can be academic, engagement, or personal goals that you hope to achieve by the end of this term. Add RemoveAny questions or comments you would like your Advisor to address? Follow-up Peer Mentor MeetingYour Peer Mentor will now assist you in scheduling a follow-up Peer Mentor meeting to be held after registration (scheduled for March 31, 2025 or later). This will be a great time to reflect on your first year, ensure your Fall classes are appropriate, and talk about ways to make the most of your summer.My Follow-up Peer Mentor Meeting is scheduled for:*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.