Spring 2021 Guidance for Returning Students on F1 Visas
International students on F1 visas who are located outside of the United States and who do not feel comfortable returning for the Spring 2021 semester OR they are unable to return due to travel and government restrictions can take all classes online. Below, students will find guidance that will help them to make informed decisions about their options in Spring 2021. Students should also make it a priority to understand the impact of these decisions on their visa status (Visit the ISSS COVID-19 FAQ page for more information).
If you are an F1 visa student in the United States, please continue to monitor the updates emailed to you from ISSS. They will let you know the current opportunities or limitations with your visa.
The information on this page is accurate as of November 19, 2020 and will continue to be updated.
Options at UConn
Taking in-person or online courses through UConn:
- Course modalities were announced in October 2020 and students can add/drop/swap courses through the start of the spring 2021 term if necessary. For the steps to take to finalize your spring schedule, view the Spring 2021 guidance from the School of Business.
- Advisors will be available to help you work through any challenges as you plan your schedule and what types of instructor fit your needs.
- This FAQ page provided by the Registrar may be helpful to understand the different course options that may be available to students this spring.
- It is not common for requirements to be fulfilled while studying elsewhere. You can expect in most cases to fulfill elective requirements. If you are seeking to take business courses abroad that are approved, all prerequisites must be fulfilled. Please consult with Brandy Nelson before considering taking required business courses abroad.
- Every business major has a set of Residence Requirements. Please view your Plan of Study to review yours. These classes cannot be taken at other institutions. Some of the courses that must be taken at UConn include MGMT 4900/4902 and the business writing courses.
- Spring 2021 graduates should consult with Brandy Nelson to determine if studying abroad in their final semester is an option.
Transferring Credit to UConn
Requires taking a Leave of Absence
Business courses can only be transferred from AACSB accredited institutions. Transfer work must be evaluated BEFORE you register for the course to ensure it is transferrable to UConn.
Please review the steps to having a course evaluated.
Before committing to this option, email undergrad.business@uconn.edu to connect with an advisor. - Due to visa regulations, you should also connect with your ISSS Advisor if you hold an F-1 Visa before committing to this option.
Options at Partner Institutions Abroad
Taking Courses Through A UConn Exchange Program (If this option becomes available):
- East China Normal University (UConn Program)
- Only students currently (during Fall 2020) enrolled at East China Normal University (ECNU) can apply for Spring 2021
- UConn First Year Program at East China Normal University (Freshmen students ONLY)
- East China Normal University (Upperclassmen students ONLY)
- University of Nottingham Ningbo (UConn Program)
- All students, including those currently enrolled at University of Nottingham Ningbo (UNNC), can apply for Spring 2021
- UConn First Year at University of Nottingham Ningbo (Freshmen ONLY)
- University of Nottingham Ningbo UConn Program (Upperclassmen ONLY)
- Fudan University
ECNU Course # | ECNU Course Title | UConn Course # | UConn Course Title | Credits |
FINA0031131071 | Financial Accounting | ACCT 2001 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
GECI0031111008 | Principles of Macroeconomics | ECON 1202 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
GEOG0031121008 | Microeconomics | ECON 1201 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
REEM0031121001 | Macroeconomics | ECON 1202 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
GEOG0031112047 | Globalization and Local Development | GEOG 2000 | Globalization | 3 |
GEOG0031112993 | Urban Environmental Geosciences | GSCI 1000E | The Human Epoch: Living in Anthropocene | 3 |
MATH0031111000 | College Mathematics | MATH 1071Q | Calculus for Business and Economics | 3 |
GEOG0031132028 | Introduction of Environment Science | NRE 1000E | Environmental Science | 3 |
PHIL0031131008 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 1101 | Problems of Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL0031112117 | Classical Reading on Philosophy of Happiness and the Good Life | PHIL 1103 | Philosophical Classics | 3 |
PHIL0031112118 | Introduction to Plato’s Republic | PHIL 1103 | Philosophical Classics | 3 |
PHIL0031112126 | Readings of Kant’s Practical Philosophy | PHIL 1103 | Philosophical Classics | 3 |
PHIL0231132995 | The Classics of Western philosophy: A Reader’s Guide | PHIL 1103 | Philosophical Classics | 3 |
PHIL0031112075 | Morality and Good Life | PHIL 1104 | Philosophy and Social Ethics | 3 |
PHIL0031112991 | Ethics in Life | PHIL 1104 | Philosophy and Social Ethics | 3 |
PHIL0031112079 | Environmental Ethics | PHIL 1108E | Environmental Philosophy | 3 |
STAT0031111001 | University Statistics | STAT 1100Q | Elementary Concepts of Statistics | 3 |
ECOL0031112004 | Global Change and Human Environment | EEB 2100E | Global Change Ecology | 3 |
ECOL0031152000 | Ecological Environment and Human Development | EEB 2100E | Global Change Ecology | 3 |
ECOL0031131053 | Environmental Ecology | EEB 2244E | General Ecology | 4 |
POLI0031121003 | Introduction to Politics | POLS 1202 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 3 |
PSYC0031131040 | Psychology | PSYC 1101 | General Psychology II | 3 |
MELE0031121002 | College Physics B2 | PHYS 1202Q | General Physics II | 3 |
PHYS0031121801 | University Physics Experiment B | PHYS 1202Q (LAB COMPONENT - See Pre-Req Requirements) | General Physics II | 1 |
GEOG0031131002 | Human Geography | GEOG 2200 | Introduction to Human Geography | 3 |
Fudan University Course # | Fudan University Course Name | UConn Course # | UConn Course Name | Majors Who Can Benefit from Course |
MANA110005 | E-Business | BADM 3760 | This is not a course a business student can take. | |
MANA116019.01 | International Markets Study | MKTG 3101 | Introduction to Marketing Management | All business majors, prerequisites must be completed. |
MANA116022.01 | Company Logistics | OPIM 4893 | OPIM Foreign Study | Approved to fulfill an OPIM Elective for the MIS major |
MANA130004 | Financial Management | FNCE 3101 | Financial Management | All business majors, prerequisites must be completed. |
MANA130006 | Marketing Management | MKTG 3101 | Introduction to Marketing Management | All business majors, prerequisites must be completed. |
MANA130007 | Business Information Systems | OPIM 3103 | Business Information Systems | All business majors |
MANA130363 | Behavioral Finance | FNCE 4893 | Finance Foreign Study | Approved for Finance majors to fulfill an “Additional FNCE Course” Requirement for all catalog years. |
MANA116019 | International Markets Study | MKTG 3260 | Marketing Research | Marketing major should NOT take this course. It is required to be taken in residence at UConn. |
MANA130387.01 | Business Logistics - Doing Business in China | BADM 2893 | Business Administration Foreign Study | Elective for any major |
UNNC Course # | UNNC Course Title | UConn Course # | UConn Course Title |
CELEF002 | Introduction to Information Technology | OPIM 4893 | Foreign Study |
CELEN043 | Media and Texts: Culture | COMM 3993 | Foreign Study |
CELEN041 | Introduction to Business & Management | BADM 2893 | Foreign Study |
CELEN064 | Introduction to Economics II | ECON 1202 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
CELEN062 | Language in Mind and Society | LING 1793 | Foreign Studies |
CELEN065 | Introduction to History | HIST 1100 | The Historian as Detective |
CELEN037 | Foundation Calculus and Mathematical Techniques | MATH1131 Q | Calculus I |
CELEN084 | Advanced Foundation Math 2 | MATH 1131Q | Calculus I |
Taking A Leave of Absence
Notes for students not taking classes:
Steps to ensure Taking A Leave of Absence goes smoothly:
- Step 1: Contact the International Student & Scholar Services office to understand the impact on your student visa if you take a leave of absence.
- Step 2: Please review the detailed directions including who to contact through the Dean of Student’s Office.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please view the answers to important questions below, and send any additional questions you have through email to brandy.nelson@uconn.edu.
Page two of your plan of study outlines your upper-division Business course requirements, designed to be done in last two years (possibly three terms).
Registration 101 for International Students
Join Becky & Sabrina
Sunday, Nov. 22nd at 10pm China time
Sign up to attend.
General Information on academic policies for business and prospective Business majors available here.