Minors in Business

The minors offered by the School of Business are designed to offer a basic understanding of a variety of business subjects for students looking to further their knowledge base within that subject. Coursework for these minors is typically completed in junior and senior years, however many minors require prerequisite coursework which should be started as early as a student's first year.

Students may earn only one minor that includes coursework in a business discipline at the 3000- or 4000-level (coursework in a business discipline is defined as any course offered using subject code ACCT, BADM, BUSN, BLAW, FNCE, HCMI, MEM, MENT/MGMT, MKTG, or OPIM). A student may earn a second minor offered by the School of Business only if it does not include School of Business coursework at the 3000- or 4000-level. Thus, an additional minor may be earned if it is offered jointly by the School of Business and another School or College, and all coursework used to satisfy that second minor is from non-Business coursework. The Personal Brand Entrepreneurship minor can be earned in combination with any other School of Business minor(s) because it does not require any coursework at the 3000- or 4000-level.

Open to Business and Non-Business Majors

Open to Non-Business Majors Only

Open to Business Majors Only