Business Summer Program Registration Form Step 1 of 3 33% First Name*Last Name*Email Address*If you are a UConn student please provide your UConn email address.Phone Number*Current Semester Standing*1st Term2nd Term3rd Term4th Term5th Term6th Term7th Term8th TermN/AAre you a current UConn Student?*YesNoStudent ID Number*Please provide 7 digit PeopleSoft number.NetID*Campus*Avery PointHartfordStamfordStorrsWaterburyAre you currently attending another institution?*YesNoThe UConn Business Summer Program is open to current college students only. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Advising for information on other opportunities to engage with the UConn School of Business.What institution are you currently attending?*Major(s)* Which Business Summer Program are you registering for?*AnalyticsPlease select the following courses offered on the Analytics Summer Program you have already completed.*Select all that apply. If you are not a UConn student and planning to transfer these back to your institution, syllabi are available by request from OPIM 3103OPIM 3204 (formerly OPIM 3221) Business Database SystemsOPIM 3302 (formerly OPIM 3804)NonePlease select the following courses offered on the Entrepreneurship Summer Program you have already completed.Select all that apply. If you are not a UConn student and planning to transfer these back to your institution, syllabi are available by request from MGMT 3101/BADM 3740 Managerial and Interpersonal BehaviorMGMT/BADM 3235 Venture Planning, Management, and GrowthMGMT/BADM 3234 Opportunity Generation, Assessment, and PromotionNonePlease select the following courses offered on the Business Fundamentals Summer Program you have already completed.Select all that apply. If you are not a UConn student and planning to transfer these back to your institution, syllabi are available by request from MGMT 3101/BADM 3740 Managerial and Interpersonal BehaviorBLAW 3175/BADM 3720 The Legal and Ethical Environment of BusinessOPIM 3103 Business Database SystemsNone Excess Credit Authorization To participate in a School of Business summer program, UConn students must be approved to enroll in excess credit. By completing this form you are authorizing the School of Business to request excess credit approval from your academic advisor and dean's designee on your behalf. You will be notified through UConn email about the status of that request. Non-UConn Students: Students from other universities must recognize this is a fast-paced and content-heavy academic experience. Students who are not academically successful at their home institution are discouraged from participating and may not be approved to participate. Non-Degree students must submit an official transcript to the School of Business Dean's Designee, Brandy Nelson (, from their home institution in order for excess credit approval to evaluated. Are you registering for all ten credits for the program?* Yes No Since you are only seeking to complete seven of the ten credits, identify which course you are not taking. Please note, the one-credit course, BADM 4895, is required for the program. OPIM 3103 OPIM 3204 (formerly OPIM 3221) OPIM 3302 (formerly OPIM 3804) Are you planning to take additional summer courses at UConn outside of the Business Summer Program?* Yes No - I am requesting excess credit for the Business summer program only. Please list the course(s) in which you are already registered in or plan to register in during any of the summer sessions.*Subject and Course Number (e.g. ACCT 2001)Credits (e.g. 3)Summer Session # (e.g. Summer Session I) Once excess credit authorization is approved, you will be notified through email. At this time, do you authorize the School of Business to register you in the Business Summer Program courses? You can learn more about the fees associated with summer programs at UConn here:* I consent and acknowledge there is a non-refundable summer registration fee ($45 for UConn Students; $65 for Non-UConn Students).The School of Business will obtain all relevant approvals from your Academic Advisor and Dean's Designee for your excess credit request.* I consentHow did you hear about the Business Summer Programs?*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.