Mentor Meeting #4 Summary

Step 1 of 2

Student Name(Required)
Please only use UConn email address (can be copied from Nexus check-in screen)
Can be copied and pasted from the Nexus check-in screen.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Meeting Summary

Provide a summary of your meeting with the student including information about their academic progress, engagement levels, and how their first-year at UConn has gone.

Next Steps

List any next steps for the student to take (ex: visiting a tutoring center, finding more information on a website, exploring online option/info over the summer, connecting with a student organization, etc.).
Academic Resource Referrals
Use the links below to follow-up on and use the academic support resources we talked about in our meeting.
Engagement Resources to Check Out
Use the links below to follow-up with some of the resources we talked about in our discussion to help you get involved and start building your experiences!
Professional Development Resources to Check Out
Use the links below to follow-up with some of the resources we talked about in our discussion to help you get involved and start exploring career options!
Have you concluded your meeting with the student?(Required)