Business Undergraduate Academic Tutoring Survey Thank you for taking the time to submit this survey. All responses are anonymous and serve to measure how effective advising is in the School of Business, and help identify ways we can improve to meet the needs of our student population. Please reach out to if you would like to talk further about any of the items in this survey. Student InformationSelect one or more race with which you identify:* American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Select one or more ethnicity with which you identify:*The term “Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin ” is defined as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin. Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin Not Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin Prefer Not to Answer What is your gender?*Are you a first generation student?*A first generation college student is defined as someone whose parents did not attend a four-year institution. Yes No Which best describes your residency?* I am an international student. I am a resident of another US state. I am a Connecticut resident. Are you a residential or commuter student?* Residential (live on campus) Commuter (walk to campus) Commuter (drive or take public transportation to campus) Residential and Commuter (live on campus, but drive or take public transportation to a different campus) Business Undergraduate Academic Tutoring SurveyFor which course(s) did you seek tutoring through the Business Undergraduate Academic Tutoring program? Select all that apply:* ACCT 2001 Financial Accounting ACCT 2101/BADM 2710 Managerial Accounting FNCE 3101 Financial Management Other If selected "Other", please tell state which course you came to tutoring for:*Select the campus where you were enrolled in the class that you sought tutoring for.* Avery Point Hartford Stamford Storrs Waterbury Where were you physically located in academic year 2023-2024?* Avery Point Hartford Stamford Storrs Waterbury Which modality of tutoring do you prefer?* In Person at the Stamford Campus Virtual Hybrid to have the option on any given week Tutoring helped me improve my overall scores and/or course grade(s).* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree The tutor(s) was/were knowledgeable about the topic(s) I needed help with.* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree The tutors’ method of assistance was effective.* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Tutoring was available at times that I needed.* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Please indicate what days/times would work better for you to access tutoring.*What type of assistance did you receive this semester from the tutor? (Check all that apply):* Select All Homework/assignments/problems Reading/comprehending course material Preparing for a quiz/exam Understanding terms/concepts Improving study skills/problem solving skills Learning to use caculator/computer software/websites required for my homework How often did you attend tutoring for this course during the semester?*Will you utilize this service in the future?* Yes No Please share your candid feedback regarding your experience with the Business Undergraduate Academic Tutoring Program.*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.