NASA Self-Check and Completion Form "*" indicates required fields First name*Last name*UConn email address (* Enter Email Confirm Email Student ID # (ie. 2345678)*Did you attend an in-person NASA session?* Yes No Great! This form is optional (but recommended) for you. Please use this tool as an optional way to consolidate and confirm the knowledge that you learned in that session. Once submitted, you will also get an email sent to your UConn email address with your responses along with lots of links and resources for you to reference going forward. You will not have a Business Advising hold placed so long as you attended a Newly Admitted Student Advising session.This form is required. Thank you for proceeding through the required steps to get your Business Advising hold lifted. You should have already completed Steps 1 and 2 on our website, and this form will help to consolidate and confirm the knowledge that you learned through those modules. Please note you must earn a passing score (70%) to have your Business Advising hold lifted. Once you submit the form, you will get an automated email sent to your UConn email address with your score, and a record of your responses, along with links and resources for you to reference going forward. If your score is less than 70%, please review your responses and submit the form again until you get a passing score. Your Business Advising will be lifted once there is a record of you earning a passing score.Advising Self-CheckPlease answer the following questions assessing your knowledge learned through the School of Business Newly Admitted Student Advising (NASA) program. Note that you ONLY have one attempt to answer each of the questions below, meaning you CANNOT change your response once you click on an answer. Please read and select carefully. Note that after you select an answer, you will get immediate feedback. Please read the feedback as you proceed through this form to make the most out of this experience. You will also get that feedback emailed to you when the full form is submitted, with active hyperlinks to use and reference in the future. There are ____ majors offered in the School of Business, across ____ campuses.* 4 majors, 1 campus 13 majors, 4 campuses 4 majors, 13 campuses 1 major, 4 campuses My new School of Business Advisor's name will be visible in StudentAdmin within a week.* True False Advising in the School of Business uses a 2 and 2 model, meaning:* You have to do 2 advising meetings every 2 months Students in their 1st and 2nd year have a professional staff advisor, and then a faculty advisor in their last 2 years Your advisor chooses 2 classes and you choose the other 2 You have 2 days to get your advising done, and have 2 advisors to meet with I need to schedule a meeting with a School of Business Advisor to get my Business Advising hold lifted.* True False When should Juniors and Seniors contact their primary faculty advisor versus their secondary staff advisor?* My Advisor will contact me, so I won't need to worry about that Only ever contact your faculty advisor since I will be in my last two years, and my faculty advisor is my primary advisor Never contact your faculty advisor, only contact the staff advisor who completed your advising document Contact your faculty advisor primarily with questions/advice as it relates to your major planning and career aspirations, but know you are always welcome to utilize staff advisors through Drop-In Advising Hours Once your effective date passes, you will rely on the ______ in StudentAdmin to help you confirm degree progress and automatically track your graduation requirements for your major, minor, and/or dual degree.* Planner Advisement Report What-If Advisement Report Standard Advisement Report Unofficial Transcript Which of the following statements about electives is CORRECT?* The exact amount of elective credits that I need are listed on my Standard Advisement Report Elective course options are listed on my plan of study I do not need to take any elective credits as a Business major Electives are courses that will earn me credit towards the 120 total, but otherwise not required specifically for my major Once a Business student has completed the critical courses, and has junior credit standing (54+ earned credits), they can take any business courses.* True False If a Business student needs to register for a Business course but they cannot self-enroll through StudentAdmin (if the course is full, for instance), they can ______.* Email the instructor of the course Email their professional staff advisor Talk to an advisor during Drop-In Advising Hours Submit a permission number request Where can students find a sample sequence of their upper division Business course work, outlining the recommended order in which they should take major required courses?* Emailing their advisor and requesting the recommended sequence for their major Googling "Order to take Business Courses UConn" Page 2 of Business Plan of Study for every major Ask a fellow Business Student All business students must be aware of course sequencing (pre-requisites, fall/spring only offerings, etc.) for their major requirements.* True False Honors students should plan on taking at least 2 Business core courses, including their foundational major course (FNCE 3101 for Finance majors, MKTG 3101 for Marketing majors, etc.) AND the Capstone MENT 4900/4902 as an honors section.* True False N/A: I am not an honors student Studying abroad is super simple to integrate into a plan, at any time.* True False Which of the following is NOT one of the GPAs that is outlined in the scholastic standing policy?* Term GPA (aka Semester GPA) Major GPA Business Cumulative GPA Cumulative GPA If a business student is not doing well in a Business course, they should put the course on Pass/Fail so it doesn't earn a letter grade if passed.* True False What is the name of the program that helps you to find strategic engagement opportunities, and provides emails to help you design your purposeful and individualized student experience?* BusinessACE LAUNCH MiYO (Make it Your Own) The Biz Weekly My resume is done.* True False If I wanted to get another set of documents like I have received at NASA, I need to make an appointment with a professional staff advisor.* True False Completion Confirmation: Checking the boxes below indicates your confirmation of the following items: I have watched all modules and read all notes associated with each module. I ran a "What-If Report" through StudentAdmin and reviewed the documents shared with me in Nexus. I understand I still need to run my Standard Advisement Report report in StudentAdmin after my effective date to review my most up to date School of Business Requirements. I understand it is my responsibility to confirm my progress on all School of Business requirements, and ensure I plan appropriately going forward. I understand there are minimum Scholastic Standing Requirements I must achieve to maintain my standing in the School of Business in this and all future terms. I understand I can attend Drop-in Advising Hours for any follow-up questions or advising assistance, in this or any future term. Select AllNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.