Acknowledgement: Limit on certain minors with certain Business majors* I understand that some Business minors are restricted under certain Business majors offered by the same department. If a previously declared Business minor is not permitted under the chosen major on this form, it will be removed when the new major is processed. View any Business minor requirements/restrictions outlined clearly on our
Business minors website as written in the
Undergraduate Catalog prior to submitting this form.
Example: Accounting majors cannot minor in Accounting. I understand I am restricted from some Business minors based on my Business major.
Acknowledgement: Limit on concentrations within a Business major* Students in the School of Business are permitted to graduate with only one concentration within their major. If a different concentration within your current major was previously declared, it will be removed when the new concentration you are declaring is processed.
I understand I am limited to one concentration.
Financial Technology Limitation Note: Please be aware that only first year students admitted to a Stamford major in Fall 2023 or later are permitted to declare Financial Technology as a major at this time. Major-specific courses will not be offered until Fall 2025, and therefore an appropriate graduation timeline for this major would be Spring 2027. Note that your request is subject to denial if you do not qualify for this major.
Financial Management Limitation Note: Please be aware that only students admitted to the Hartford campus as a Hartford Business major in Spring 2024 or prior are permitted to declare Financial Management as a major at Hartford. Note that your request is subject to denial if you do not qualify for this major.
Does this major/concentration exist in your catalog year?* You can check your catalog year by logging into your StudentAdmin account and checking the first item on your
Standard Advisement Report . You cannot move your catalog year backwards, but you can advance your catalog year (to a year you will be an active undergraduate student) by completing a Change Catalog Year from available on the
Registrar's Office Forms Page , however this may also change your degree requirements. If you have any questions about the implications of changing your catalog year, please visit
Drop-In Advising Hours prior to submitting this form.
If you need to change your catalog year, please submit the catalog year change request PRIOR to submitting this form. Your major/concentration request will be denied if your catalog year does not match the major/concentration availability. Acknowledgement: AIM majors with the Analytics minor* The Analytics minor can only be completed as an AIM major in catalog years 22-23 and prior. Concentrations for the AIM major are only available in catalog years 23-24 and later. Please visit
Drop-In Advising Hours prior to submitting this form if there are any questions.
I understand that if I had previously declared the Analytics minor, my Analytics minor will be cancelled when the AIM concentration is processed.
Acknowledgement: AIM majors with the Analytics minor* The Analytics minor can only be completed as an AIM major in catalog years 22-23 and prior. Concentrations for the AIM major are only available in catalog years 23-24 and later. Please visit
Drop-In Advising Hours prior to submitting this form if there are any questions.
I understand that if I had previously declared the Analytics minor, my Analytics minor will be cancelled when the AIM concentration is processed.
Please provide a reason as to why you are seeking a change of major.*
Because you indicated you were admitted through our internal admissions process, it is important at this time to provide an explanation as to why you applied into a different major than you are seeking today. Describe why you are now committed to the new major you have selected.*
Please provide any additional information you feel is important to be considered in this request.
Remember, your request will only be reviewed if you are submitting it after the 10th day of your first term.