Business Excess Credit Request Form Step 1 of 2 50% Decisions will be based on several criteria including a review of the student's academic record, grades in prior terms, attempted and completed credits in prior terms, current and planned course enrollment, faculty advisor consultation (if applicable), and more. If necessary, performance in the current term will be considered, in which case a decision will be delayed until after grades post. Keep in mind: Before submitting this form, please be sure you have registered for the term for which you are requesting, and indicate enrolled courses in the form. Requests are not reviewed until after the registration period for that term has begun, per the Academic Calendar, after all students have had a chance to register. If your request is for your final term, please indicate so in the form and your review may be expedited. New students with no UConn GPA (first term students, or new transfer students) will receive a response to their request only after grades for the current term have been posted, and should plan accordingly (register for the courses you need next term, and the excess credit, if granted, can be used for courses for which you have more flexibility, or courses for in which you already know you will be granted a seat). Students who earned a 2.6 semester GPA or higher in the previous semester may enroll in up to 18 credits without requesting special permission. If you are unable to self-enroll in 18 credits, contact the Registrar's Office directly to have your credit limit raised to 18. Please check the following to indicate your understanding:* I understand that my academic record will be considered in this decision. I understand that decisions are not made until after all students have had a chance to register for the term. I understand that if I have no recent grades from previous terms completed at UConn, I will not get a decision until after grades are posted for the current term. I understand that taking a higher credit load will likely present a more challenging semester and this may be compounded by other choices I make (choice of classes, changing campuses, changing majors, personal commitments, etc.) Name* First Last Student ID Number*UConn Email* Phone*Current Business Major*AccountingAnalytics and Information Management (formerly Management Information Systems)Business AdministrationBusiness Data AnalyticsFinanceFinancial ManagementFinancial TechnologyHealth Care ManagementManagementMarketingMarketing ManagementReal Estate and Urban Economic StudiesUndecidedCurrent concentration within Management*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationEntrepreneurshipCurrent concentration within Financial Management*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationFinancial TechnologyCurrent concentration within Business Data Analytics*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationFinancial TechnologyCurrent concentration within Marketing*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationDigital Marketing & Analytics ConcentrationProfessional Sales Leadership ConcentrationCurrent concentration within Marketing Management*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationDigital Marketing & Analytics ConcentrationSocial Responsibility and Impact in BusinessCurrent concentration within Finance*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationCorporate Finance ConcentrationValuation and Portfolio Management ConcentrationQuantitative Finance ConcentrationCurrent concentration within Analytics and Information Management*Concentrations are NOT required, but offered in this major.No ConcentrationApplication DevelopmentBusiness IntelligenceIT SecuritySupply Chain ManagementCurrent UConn campus*Avery PointHartfordStamfordStorrsWaterburyAre you planning to attend a different campus next semester?*YesNoWhich campus are you changing to?*Avery PointHartfordStamfordStorrsWaterburyWhen you were originally admitted to UConn, you were admitted*If you spent a semester or more at UConn in a different program/major, be sure to select the first option below. If you have spent all of your time at UConn in the School of Business, select the appropriate "directly into..." option below.into a non-Business major, and applied to the School of Business once a UConn studentdirectly into Business as a first term freshmandirectly into MEM as a first term freshmandirectly into Business as a transfer from an outside institutionCurrent semester standing*First term (freshman)Second term (freshman)Third term (sophomore)Fourth term (sophomore)Fifth term (junior)Sixth term (junior)Seventh term (senior)Eighth term (senior) and aboveImportant! Students without recent grades from previous terms completed at UConn will not get a decision for this request until the end of the semester, after grades for this term have been posted. Note that grades from ECE are not considered completed terms at UConn in this review. Please plan accordingly.Are you pursuing a dual degree?* Yes No What is your major outside of the School of Business?*Please note here if you are declared EUROBIZ.Are you in the Honors program?* Yes No Note for Honors students: Freshman and sophomore students in UConn's Honors Program who have at least a 2.6 GPA in the prior term may register for up to 19 credits. Juniors and seniors who have at least a 3.0 GPA in the prior term may register for up to 21 credits. No form or approval is necessary.In which term are you seeking excess credits?*This is not necessarily the current term, but the term that you are requesting your credit limit be increased.Intersession 2025Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Intersession 2026Will the above term be your final term at UConn?* Yes, I am graduating. No. Please list below the course(s) in which you have successfully enrolled for the term you are requesting excess credits:*This should match what is on your transcript. Please do not submit this form until you have registered for the term in which you are requesting excess credit.Subject & Course Number (ex: ACCT 2001)Credits (ex: 3)Format (ex: online/in-person) Please list below the course(s) in which you have successfully enrolled for the term you are requesting excess credits:*This should match what is on your transcript, and include summer session. Please do not submit this form until you have registered for the term in which you are requesting excess credit.Subject & Course Number (ex: ACCT 2001)Credits (ex: 3)Format (ex: online/in-person)Summer term (ex: Session 2) Total credits in which you are currently enrolled:*This should be the sum of the credits listed directly above.Please list below the course(s) in which you PLAN TO enroll if you are granted excess credits:*Subject & Course Number (ex: ACCT 2001)Credits (ex: 3)Format (ex: online/in-person) Please list below the course(s) in which you PLAN TO enroll if you are granted excess credits:*Subject & Course Number (ex: ACCT 2001)Credits (ex: 3)Format (ex: online/in-person)Summer term (ex: Session 2) Total ADDITIONAL credits in which you PLAN TO enroll:*This should be the sum of the credits listed directly above.In total, you are requesting to take the following amount of credits in your selected term:*This number should be 19 credits or more. Students who have at least a 2.6 GPA in the prior term may register for up to 18 credits without approval. Please contact the Registrar's Office directly if you meet this criteria but cannot register in 18 credits.Please provide a reason as to why you are seeking additional credits, and why you feel you will be successful.*Please provide any additional information you feel is important to be considered in this request.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.