School of Business Drop-in Hours

We know accessibility is important to our students, and offering virtual drop-in hours is how we can be most accessible to students across all UConn’s campuses, so that no matter where you are, you can always drop-in to chat with one of our professional staff advisors anytime in a Fall or Spring term during our drop-in schedule.

Support Your Academics

Virtual Professional Staff Drop-in Advising (All Campuses)

Advisors are intricately involved in Summer and Winter Orientation programs so are unable to hold consistent Drop-In Advising Hours over the summer or winter breaks. Throughout the Fall and Spring terms, regular hours are held and students are welcome to utilize Drop-In Advising Hours from any campus. During any of the scheduled drop-in hours listed below, students can click the button to sign-in and meet virtually, on-demand, with a School of Business Academic Advisor (it does not need to be the student's assigned Advisor):

Spring 2025 Schedule through May 8, 2025*

Note: No drop-in hours over Spring Break (week of March 17)

  • Mondays, 9-11am EST AND 2-4pm on March 24 for the start of registration
  • Tuesdays, 2-4pm EST
  • Wednesdays 2-4pm EST
  • Thursdays, 1-3pm EST

Once checked in, you will see on the check-in page if there are students waiting ahead of you. When a virtual room is ready and an Advisor is available, you will be provided a link to join the room, so be sure to continue to refresh the check-in page and/or monitor your email for a direct link to be provided. In an effort to serve as many students as possible, please know that if you do not join the room within 2 minutes of being provided the link, the Advisor may move on and pick up the next person in line, and you can sign in again for a later time when you are available.

NOTE: The drop-in option is only available and monitored during hours listed above. *Note that staff are unable to hold consistent Drop-In Advising Hours over breaks, including winter break, summer break, Thanksgiving break, and Spring break. If planning on visiting during a break, feel free to call (860-486-2315) or email ( the office anytime with general questions or to check advisor availability.

In-Person Peer Mentor Drop-in Advising (Storrs Campus - BUSN 248)

Students can come to the School of Business Undergraduate Center (suite 248) and check-in at the front desk to meet in-person with one of our School of Business Peer Mentors.

Spring 2025 Schedule through May 2, 2025

Note: No drop-in hours over Spring Break (week of March 17)

  • Mondays, 9-11am EST
  • Tuesdays, 2-4pm EST
  • Wednesdays 2-4pm EST
  • Thursdays, 1-3pm EST
  • Fridays, 11am-1pm EST

LAUNCH Your Engagement

Get Connected! (All Campuses)

Are you wanting to get connected on your campus but not sure where to start?

Interested in exploring options relevant to your personal and professional goals?

Students can click the button below to sign-in and schedule an appointment with Student Experience Specialists Beth and Eddie to explore options relevant to your personal and professional goals. Beth and Eddie are offering in-person and virtual appointments for students interested in furthering their engagement.

Please note that Beth is currently based on the Stamford campus, so all in-person appointments are offered in Stamford. Eddie is currently based on the Hartford campus, so all in-person appointments are offered in Hartford. Virtual appointments are accessible to students on all of our campuses.


NOTE: Please be aware that these are not advising appointments. The purpose of these appointments is to go over the list of opportunities available on your campus that can contribute to your experiential learning.

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