Business Minor Policies and Declaration Form

Important Notes Regarding Registration and Completion

  • Students may earn only one minor that includes coursework in a business discipline at the 3000- or 4000-level (coursework in a business discipline is defined as any course offered using subject code ACCT, BADM, BUSN, BLAW, FNCE, HCMI, MEM, MENT/MGMT, MKTG, or OPIM). A student may earn a second minor offered by the School of Business only if it does not include School of Business coursework at the 3000 or 4000-level. Thus, an additional minor may be earned if a) it is offered jointly by the School of Business and another School or College, and b) all coursework used to satisfy that second minor is from non-Business coursework.  View the University Catalog for additional details and limitations.
    • The Personal Brand Entrepreneurship minor can be earned in combination with any other School of Business minor(s) because it does not require any coursework at the 3000 or 4000-level.
  • Non-Business majors may attempt no more than 18 credits (approximately 6 courses) of 3000/4000-level coursework offered by the School of Business, which includes work transferred in as equivalent to courses offered by the School of Business. View the University Catalog for additional details.
  • Students may use the online permission number request form when unable to self-enroll in a course used for the minor, noting all pre-requisites must be met to be granted permission to take a course.
  • Unless a higher standard is noted in the description of a specific minor program, completion of a minor requires that a student earn a “C” (2.0) grade or better in each of the required courses for that minor.
    • Completion of the Analytics minor requires that a student earn a “C+” (2.3) grade or better in each of the required courses.
    • Completion of the Software Design minor requires that a student earn a “C+” (2.3) grade or better in each of the required courses.
    • Completion of the Supply Chain minor requires that a student earn a “C+” (2.3) grade or better in each of the required courses.
  • Access to courses is on a space-available basis, and the School of Business is unable to guarantee completion of a minor, noting most minors take at least four terms to complete after pre-requisite courses are fulfilled.
  • Please see minor details regarding restrictions for certain majors.

To Change your Minor Catalog Year

Some minor requirements have changed.  If you declared a minor in a past term and the minor requirements have since changed OR you declared a minor in the current term and wish to follow past requirements, please submit the Business Minor Catalog Year Change Request Form | Undergraduate Programs.

To Drop or Swap Your Declared Business Minor

  • Request that your minor be removed from your record by completing the minor cancellation form and submitting it to the Registrar's Office ( Please do not submit the cancellation form to the School of Business.
  • If you wish to declare a different business minor, wait until the first minor is removed from your program/plan in Student Admin and then submit the minor declaration form below.

Important Notes Regarding Minor Declaration

Use the form below to declare a School of Business minor only once you have completed the pre-requisites to declare a minor (in-progress courses or courses not yet showing on your UConn transcript do not count). Once submitted, please allow approximately 2-4 weeks for processing. You will know it has been processed when you receive a confirmation email and see the minor appearing in your Academic Requirements Report in Student Admin.

When you are ready to graduate, you will need to submit plans of study for both your major and your minor (how to submit your electronic Plan of Study. You can only do this after you have applied to graduate). Note that final approval is completed by Degree Audit at the Registrar’s Office before graduation.

Important Note for International Students: If you are currently an international student (F-1), you must notify CISS and obtain a new Form I-20 once your minor declaration is approved. Please visit the CISS website for more information.

Business Minor Declaration Form

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  • 0 of 7 max characters
  • Please note that the following jointly administered minor is not declared through the School of Business. To declare, please visit
    • Construction Engineering and Management Minor